Tell Me Something I Don't Know

You’re a human being on Earth, admit it.

You know a lot about some things, and not as much about others. Maybe you’ve mastered Unity but are still trying to figure out iOS provisioning profiles. Maybe you’ve shipped four Steam games in the last year but have never written a setter function. Inheritance, concurrency, memory management, oh my!

Everyone gets where they’re going differently, and it’s common to feel short a few pieces of the puzzle, especially if it’s a puzzle as big as game development. This session is for people of all skill and experience levels who want to share the pieces they have, and/or pick up a few that they’re missing.

Let’s learn from each other! We won’t have all the answers, but I have no doubt you can tell me something I don’t know.

Attendees should bring at least one question they have about any stage of game development, and importantly, be willing to share the answers they have. The discussion will be split up into categories, but it will move freely based on what is brought to the table.


Mark LaCroix is an artist, filmmaker, and developer from Minneapolis, whose diverse work has appeared around the world, from municipal utility boxes to national television, from Netflix and Amazon to Xbox Live. A storyteller and a technocrat, Mark is currently developing games and software as Noble Robot.

Mark LaCroix

Game Developer , Noble Robot